A round up of my weeks commentary without any new stuff. It’s my day off 🙂
January 25th – What is wrong with you that you don not see what is going on with Covid?
January 26th – It’s all been kicking off in Holland
January 27th – My thoughts on the organisation of ‘The Great Re-Opening’.
January 28th – There we go, I’ve jumped ship – I’ll support he aims but not the organisation. I’m Anti the Great Reopening…
January 29th – I’ll get my nappie now then…
January 30th – I’m stopping commenting (for the foreseeable future), leaving Twitter and all in all going to live a more pleasant existence. Why? We are already in the handcart and we are speeding to hell…
And to today – Have a fine day all and do get out for some healthy fresh air and do hug someone you love xx
If you’ve enjoyed reading this please do support me. I’ve had NO FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the state, like, ever and certainly none through the Covid years. I have relied upon my savings which are now zero and the few walks I’ve been able to lead this year (I’m a self employed guided walks leader in Wales.)
Thank You xx